Become a Distribution Partner
It is CSARITE®’s ambition is to continue building upon its selective supply chain network, which delivers competitive margins, supports demand throughout the value chain and achieves mine to market traceability and transparency.
CSARITE® / cut and polished
understand the gemstone industry
With the coloured gemstone industry highly fragmented throughout its value chain, consumers becoming increasingly demanding of traceability, transparency and ethics, and an ever-increasing need to utilise costly marketing and promotion efforts to build gemstone value through brand equity…
…it has never been more important to build well-integrated distribution networks which support and deliver…
Quality assurance
Ethics, traceability, transparency and
Marketing and promotion
…through consistent volume sales to trusted, committed and regulated downstream partners. CSARITE®’s Selective Distribution Partner Model achieves just that.
How it works
CSARITE®’s Distribution Partner Model involves working closely with a select group of downstream beneficiation partners to build a clear and mutually beneficial value chain that delivers healthy margins and encourages stakeholder value creation throughout.
CSARITE® / Undeniable Transparency
Distribution Partner commitments
Commit to meeting CSARITE®’s core quality standards of 100% natural and minimum of SI1 grade.
Agree to CSARITE®’s traceability standards and work with us to develop and deliver CSARITE® certification.
Commit to supporting the global marketing and promotion of CSARITE®.
CSARITE®'s commitments
Guarantees exclusive access to rough and cut CSARITE® production.
Commits to investing significant capital into marketing, promotion and positioning, developing competitive brand equity, and building consumer demand for CSARITE®.
Promises to uphold its ESG standards and to work towards achieving international compliance and delivering leading sustainability principles and practices within the small-scale mining sector.
Will work to develop industry standards for CSARITE® grading, cutting, polishing, and certification.
Invest in developing supply chain management systems which improve time and cost efficiency across the supply chain and deliver undeniable transparency.